Universal enigma

What do you think is the force that sustains the universe keeping together the stars planets moon etc. What makes asteroids fall and moon rotate and earth spin. Do you really know how the objects are arranged in galaxy? With more advancement in technology life reached moon and other planets which once was considered impossible but still it is uncertain that how things are aligned in space.

Aristotle stated that earth is round in shape dated 340 BC. Aristotle arrived at this conclusion because he could see the sail of a ship first then the bottom when a ship is approaching a port. As a Greek traveler he also observed earth's shadow on moon everyday and it appeared round, so earth should be a sphere. Ptolemy said that earth is the center of the universe and all other objects which include planets and  stars like sun revolve around earth . With Ptolemy's build on how universe looks like all christian calendars accepted the plot. His plot was that each object has its own sphere of revolution around earth with each objects following a complicated path. Its was estimated later in 1514 AD that the plots looks like a blind view of an elephant. Copernicus though din't publish his new plot as he feared rejection from church but he observed that all objects including planets and stars revolve around the sun .Nearly a century later Galileo observed that Stars of jupiter following a complex path around jupiter. He stated that stars revolve around planets.
So a couple of round objects revolve around a couple of round objects which in turn revolve around the sun! At this point Kepler reveled his intuition that objects have an elliptical orbit because he could see moon as 2 times bigger some times and smaller some other times. Now a more clear picture is presented i.e, a clear blind view of the elephant. Now scientists contemplated why these objects stay like that. As an apple fell into Newton's head he thought why the planets couldn't fall down some where and where to fall ! Why do apple fall as a first question to get answered ?
Issac Newton contemplated to an answer that a force of gravity exist that attracts nearby objects and repels far away objects. Probably earth is heavier than apple so apple falls and not earth jumps ! Why not earth and sun fall down. What's there down ? Newton answered that if these planets, stars and satellites stay composed like that, there is a balance between these gravitational attraction and repulsion. So he considered an infinite space with infinite number of stars planets and satellites; so it doesn't matter if one more satellite is added or removed. They stay in some balance with gravitational attraction with some near objects and repulsion from some far objects. Well based ? Accepted?

But still the unclear down! and infinity! Even some say its expanding !
Well, wait for the next post :)

